2022 Associational Bible Drill

I have had the privilege for 22 years to be a part of Bible Drill either while my children were participating or through organizing the drills for the Nashville Baptist Association.


My heart swells every time I see children, youth and high school drillers step up and: 

· Present their Bibles– showing their respect for God’s Holy Word

· Find the information in the Word of God—within 10 seconds for the children and 8 seconds for youth & high school!

· Beam with joy as they accomplish their feat.  Or even sigh with relief that it is over and they have finished.


All of this putting the word of God into their hearts.  This is something that they will keep even into their adulthood:

* “Participating in Bible drill gave me the confidence to pick my Bible up and study further. The book (Bible) that looked so big to me as a child seemed less intimidating. Even today Bible drill helps me remember the books of the Bible and where they are located.”  Laura Price

* “Scripture comes to mind and I realize they were the scriptures I memorized in Bible Drill.”  Phillip Howard

* “I remember the rhymes, songs and tricks that helped me learn the verses.  “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.  Luke 11:9 (It rhymes!)  Also, who remembers the trick– Go Eat Pop Corn and then your thirsty so you need 5 cups of “T”.”  Dana Corbitt


I just want to Thank the Nashville Baptist Association for allowing me to be a part of this amazing ministry.  

JoAnn Howard
Ministry Assistant to the Strategists


2022 Bible Dillers:


Brentwood Baptist
Arye Parker
Emmy Maccabee
Abbey Kate Moss
Vivian Smith
Huxton Suggs
Kylie Taylor
Bryn Thompson

Parkway Baptist
Channing Morrow
Sally Elias
Murphey Couts
Axel Elias
Carter Sanders
Andrew Elias
Essa Al-Nimri
Mariana Castleberry

 Tulip Grove Baptist
Wren Sutherland
Ana Bentschneider
Avery Anderson
Colton Fisher
Ella Adcox
Emily Boswell
Cora Jones
Molly Hacker
Reece Anderson
Skyler Fisher

 Nashville First Baptist
Curtis Pope
Nevaeh Greer
Charli Nabakowski
Tatum Rodriquez


Tulip Grove Baptist
Ethan Bentschneider
Lauren Briggs

 Parkway Baptist Church
Andrew Castleberry
Christian Espino


 High School:

Parkway Baptist
Jay Schremmer