Did You Know?: NBA Trainings

Did you know that the NBA offers trainings that can help equip your church for its ministry?

One of the many things that makes us better together is that we can share ideas, best practices, and all kinds of other help so that all of our churches can reach more people.

Here are some of the trainings we offer:

VBS Clinic - Gather with other VBS Directors and teacher to learn how to teach different age groups and reach them for Christ, and be inspired with ideas about the current year’s cirriculum, decorating, snacks, and more. Our 2022 VBS Clinic is scheduled for April 12: learn more and register here.

Church Growth training - Designed for new churches, church plants, and churches that may need to reset their approach. Our next Church Growth Training is scheduled for March 18-19: learn more and register here.

Churches Planting Churches - Designed for churches with a desire to multiply and plant healthy churches to spread the gospel. We have a webinar for Churches Planting Churches scheduled for April 19: learn more and register here.

Pastor Search training - Our Executive Director/Lead Coach can come to a church that has recently lost their pastor, discuss best options for the church’s specific needs, help find an iterim or supply pastor, and teach the Pastor Search Committee how to find, interview, and assess candidates. Call us at the NBA office to begin this process: (615) 259-3034.

Revitalization options - Our Executive Director/Lead Coach can also help churches that are experiencing decline, evaluate their situation, and suggest next steps along the path to revitalization. Call the NBA office to schedule a meeting: (615) 259-3034.

Ethnic Evangelism Training - Learn from members of one of Nashville’s many ethnic groups how to reach their people. Coming soon: hear from pastors of Chinese, Korean, and Sudanese NBA churches.

We will update our events calendar as more trainings are scheduled for the coming months.