You Are Not Alone

“Every rise, every fall, every victory, we are in it together!”
- from the video played at the Opening Ceremonies of the 2022 Winter Olympics

Recently, I took pastor Derrick DeLain from Proclamation Church to meet pastor Jason Rumbough at Hope Church. Both of these men have churches that are going through revitalization. I was blessed to hear these pastors share with one another.

Derrick and Jason have experienced similar challenges and victories in their churches. When we left, both committed to meet again and to work together to help other churches with needs similar to theirs.

This God-ordained meeting reminded me again why I love my ministry through the Nashville Baptist Association. The association of churches is at its best when churches are working together.

Churches can do more together, and they can be an example to the world of unity and love. We are truly Better Together. If one church is struggling, all churches are affected.

In 2022, let’s commit ourselves as a network of Baptist churches in Middle Tennessee to be better as we serve together! Pray for sister churches, reach out to help them. Plan to serve our community together with a sister church.

God bless each of our churches.

Rusty Sumrall
Executive Director