Empathy at the Well: Engage, Invite, Invest

The conversation between Jesus and the woman at Jacob’s well (John 4), is significant because we find evangelism 101. Here we see Jesus is demonstrating the prime example of being a fisher of men by engaging, inviting and investing in the life of this Samaritan woman at the well. 

As Jesus is taking a rest on a hot summer day about the sixth hour at the well, He engages with a Samaritan woman. Here we see Jesus is willing to cross any barrier to save sinners and reach the lost. During this conversation, Jesus shows His humanity and His social and spiritual intelligence to empathize with this Samaritan woman.

Let’s look at this word empathy. It is the capacity to understand what another person is experiencing from the other person’s frame of reference, i.e.: the capacity to place oneself in another’s shoes.  

According to Adler and Proctor II, (2011), empathy is a genuine concern for the welfare of the other person. When we empathize, we go beyond just thinking and feeling as others do and genuinely care about their well-being. Empathy doesn’t require you to agree with the other person.

Jesus didn’t agree with the woman’s lifestyle, He simply met her where she was in life without condemnation. In order to put a person on the track to newness of life through Christ Jesus, you must empathize, and that experience becomes your own, for that moment. It’s one thing to feel bad (or good) for someone; it’s more profound to feel bad (or good) with someone. 

After Jesus engages with the Samaritan woman the second circle is to invite. Now, His social intelligence kicks in and He invites her to drink of the water of everlasting life (John 4:14). Then finally the third circle invest. Jesus begins to invest in her life by revealing her lifestyle (John 4:15-18), telling her to believe in Him (John 4:21), and to worship Him because He is the Messiah (John 4:23-26). 

In conclusion, we must see this woman was on the road of destiny and she met Jesus Christ. People looked at this woman and her past and present and declared she is a mess without a solid future. But Jesus makes it clear He is waiting to engage, invite and invest in our lives so we can live the abundant life (John 10:10). 


Dwayne Lewis

Church Planting Strategist

[email protected]