
Happy New Year! I pray that your new year started off well and that you are excited about the vision that God has given you for 2022. This year started off with a couple inches of snow and a resurgence of Covid-19, Delta and Omicron. Churches of all sizes are once again having to navigate another year of reimagining, rewiring and regrouping their church programming and services. 

Adapting is nothing new at this point because many churches have been operating with a decentralized model due to the Coronavirus outbreak in 2020. As much as we love the gathering with our parishioners inside the bricks and mortar, we know that we must embrace the technology of digital spaces. This new Omicron outbreak has caused many churches to regroup and utilize digitals tools to stay in touch with their communities. 

Looking ahead, we must realize that many things have become different and these times are continuing to be challenging. However, we must always keep in the forefront of our minds that the most important foundation the church has is Christ Jesus. People still need what your church has to offer - from Bible studies and small groups, to Sunday worship. Adapt and keep moving! God is opening doors for your church to thrive online. Don’t shortcut this opportunity to adapt and maximize the virtual platforms God is giving the church to reach the sick, shut-in and unreached people groups. 

In closing, remember that we must adapt because the church belongs to God. Matthew 16: 18 states:

 “And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Whether you must set out on the Great Commission virtually, in-person or using some form of hybrid method, with Christ on your side, your church will accomplish the vision. 

Happy New Year, 

Dwayne Lewis
Church Planting Strategist