Thrive Ministers Wives logo.jpg

So finally, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we ask you, we beg you to remember what we have taught you: live a life that is pleasing to God as you are already doing. Yes, we urge you to keep living and thriving in that life! 1 Thessalonians 4:1 The Voice

The Mission of the NBA Minister’s Wives Fellowship:

Encouragement in their work, family, marriage and ministry,

connection to other minister’s wives,

and care for them in the context of their specific need.


•Connection Groups

•Prayer Partners

•Chat & Chews

•Lifeway Women’s Simulcast



•Closed Facebook Page

•Encouraging Texts

If you would like to be a part of the Minister’s Wives Ministry please contact Becky Sumrall at [email protected]