NBA Ministry to Internationals living in Nashville

International churches, also known as ethnic churches, are the ones that worship in a language other than English. These are sweet fellowships, with faithful pastors, many of whom are bi-vocational.

They all have different needs, but do not think that these churches are just small and needy. They represent 25 of the 154 churches in the Nashville Baptist Association. They also represent the roughly 200,000 internationals in the greater Nashville area. The nations are here, and they are on our doorstep. It does not take a plane ticket to be a part of international ministry today. They are in our backyard, so to speak. What these churches lack in resources they make up for in faith and perseverance…

We can learn so much from them. If we take the time to love them, serve them, and partner with them, I believe God will honor those partnerships and together we can reach the nations that are here in Nashville and beyond. God has removed some of the barriers of the Great Commission by bringing them here. Who is willing to learn from them, serve them, love them?

For more information on International churches in the Nashville area and how to connect with them, contact Brett Boesch.